NOC in UAE 2023: Process, Need, & Benefits

Gulf Insider

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A No Objection Certificate NOC in UAE is an official document issued by the relevant government authorities in the UAE that grants permission for certain activities or requests. It serves as proof that the concerned party has no objections or legal restrictions against their intended actions.

The NOC can be required for a wide range of purposes, including employment, business setup, property rental, visa sponsorship transfers, and more. The NOC holds significant importance in the UAE, as it ensures transparency and compliance with the country’s regulations.

It acts as a legal document that protects the rights of individuals, employers, and the government. Obtaining an NOC is often a prerequisite for many administrative processes, such as visa transfers, allowing individuals to seek new employment opportunities without any legal complications.

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What is an Employment NOC in UAE?

An Employment NOC, also known as a No Objection Certificate, is a document issued by an employer in the UAE, stating that they have no objections to their employee seeking alternative employment. It serves as proof that the employee is free to work for another company or take up a new job without any restrictions.

The UAE labor law strictly regulates the relationship between employers and employees. The Employment NOC was introduced to protect the rights of both parties, ensuring transparency and fairness in the job market. Here are a few reasons why an Employment NOC is important:

  1. Job Mobility: With an Employment NOC, employees have the freedom to explore new opportunities within the UAE job market without any legal repercussions. This promotes job mobility and creates a competitive environment that benefits both employees and employers.
  2. Legal Compliance: Obtaining an Employment NOC is mandatory when switching jobs within the UAE. Employees who fail to obtain this document may face legal consequences, including bans, fines, or even deportation.
  3. Smooth Transition: An Employment NOC facilitates a smooth transition for employees from one job to another. It ensures that there are no contractual or legal obligations that could hinder their career growth or professional development.

Where a NOC in UAE is Required?

Let’s take a closer look at some common situations where a NOC is required:

  1. Obtaining a Driving License in the UAE: If you are a resident of the UAE and planning to obtain a driving license, you will need a NOC from your employer or sponsor. This certificate ensures that your employer has no objection to your application for a driving license and allows you to fulfill the necessary requirements to obtain one.
  2. Adding Activity to your Business: If you own a business in the UAE and wish to introduce new activities or renew your existing ones, you will need to obtain a NOC from the relevant authorities. This certificate serves as proof that no objection exists from the concerned entities and enables you to proceed with your business expansion or renewal plans.
  3. Switching Jobs: When switching jobs from one private company to another within the UAE, it is necessary to obtain a NOC from your current employer. This certificate ensures that your current employer has no objection to your move and allows for a smooth transition of employment.
  4. Opening a Bank Account in the UAE: To open an internet or bank account in the UAE, you may be required to provide a NOC from your employer or sponsor. This certificate serves as proof of employment or sponsorship and confirms that your employer has no objection to your financial transactions.
  5. Purchasing a Car in the UAE: If you are a resident of the UAE and planning to purchase a car, a NOC may be required from your employer or sponsor. This certificate ensures that your employer has no objection to your purchase and enables you to proceed with the necessary procedures and documentation.
  6. Establishing a Branch: In the case of establishing a branch of your business in the UAE, you will need to obtain a NOC from the relevant authorities. This certificate confirms that no objection exists for the establishment of your branch and allows you to proceed with the legal requirements and formalities.
  7. Adding a Partner to your company: If you are a business owner in the UAE and planning to add a partner to your company, you will need to obtain a NOC from the existing partners. This certificate serves as proof that the existing partners have no objection to the addition of a new partner and enables you to proceed with the necessary legal procedures.
  8. Lift a Labor Ban: A labor ban can be imposed on an individual in the UAE for various reasons, such as contract violations or early termination. To lift this ban and seek new employment within the country, a NOC from the previous employer is often required. This certificate confirms that the previous employer has no objection to lifting the labor ban and allows you to explore new job opportunities.

A No Objection Certificate (NOC) plays a crucial role in various situations in the UAE. Whether it’s obtaining a driving license, expanding your business, switching jobs, opening accounts, buying a car, establishing a branch, adding a partner, or lifting a labor ban, a NOC ensures a smooth and hassle-free process.

Process of Obtaining NOC in the UAE

Here’s a general outline of how one might obtain a NOC in the UAE for employment purposes:

  1. Purpose Identification: Determine the specific purpose for the NOC. This could be for changing jobs, sponsoring a family member, driving licenses, etc.
  2. Formal Request: The person in need of the NOC will typically need to make a formal request to their employer or relevant authority. This often involves filling out a standard application form provided by the respective department.
  3. Submission of Documents: Depending on the purpose, various documents may need to be attached. For employment-related NOCs, this may include copies of your passport, visa, current employment contract, and any other related documents.
  4. Approval by the Authority: The concerned authority (e.g., the current employer for job-related NOCs) will review the request. They will decide whether or not they have any objections to granting the certificate. The authority might take a few days to a couple of weeks to make a decision.
  5. Issuance of the NOC: If the authority approves the request, they will issue a NOC. The format can vary, but it generally contains details about the applicant, the purpose of the NOC, and an official statement saying that the issuing authority has no objection.
  6. Submission of the NOC: Once received, the NOC should be submitted to the relevant department or authority requesting it. For instance, if it’s for changing jobs, the new employer or the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation may require it.
  7. Validity: A NOC is typically valid for a specific period, so it’s important to use it within that timeframe. After its expiration, a new NOC may need to be obtained.

It’s important to note that the issuance of a NOC is at the discretion of the authority or employer. They are under no obligation to provide one, and the decision often depends on the specific circumstances. Some employers might refuse to provide a NOC due to contractual obligations, company policies, or other reasons.

Lastly, the procedure and requirements may differ depending on the specific Emirate (e.g., Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah) and the evolving regulations.

Need of NOC to Lift the Labor Ban

The labor ban is usually imposed when an employee terminates their contract before its completion or switches jobs without fulfilling the contractual obligations. It is implemented as a measure to protect the rights of both employees and employers and to ensure stability in the labor market.

Firstly, it’s important to note that the requirements for lifting the labor ban vary from country to country and even within different jurisdictions. In some cases, obtaining an NOC from your current employer is indeed necessary to lift the ban and proceed with a new job opportunity. This is particularly true in countries where the labor laws are strict and heavily regulated.

However, in certain situations, you may be exempted from the requirement of obtaining an NOC to lift the labor ban. This can be the case if you fall under certain categories such as:

1. Completion of the contractual period: If your employment contract has reached its natural end and you have fulfilled all the obligations stated in the agreement, you may not need an NOC to lift the labor ban. This is because you have completed your contractual obligations and are free to pursue new job opportunities without any restrictions.

2. Working for a government entity: Some countries exempt employees working for government entities from the requirement of obtaining an NOC to lift the labor ban. This is due to the unique nature of government employment and the different regulations governing public sector jobs.

3. Professional and technical roles: Certain professions and technical roles may be exempted from the requirement of obtaining an NOC. This is often the case for highly skilled and specialized positions that are in demand in the country. These exemptions aim to attract and retain talent in specific sectors.

It’s worth noting that the process of lifting the labor ban and obtaining an NOC can be complex and time-consuming. It typically involves submitting various documents, obtaining approvals from relevant authorities, and possibly even going through a legal process. It is recommended to seek professional advice or consult with a legal expert to understand the specific requirements and procedures applicable in your situation.

Format of NOC

While the specific format of an NOC may vary depending on the purpose, the following elements are typically included:

1. Heading: Begin the NOC with a clear and concise heading, indicating that it is a No Objection Certificate.

2. Date: Mention the date on which the NOC is being issued.

3. Recipient Details: Include the full name, address, and contact information of the person or organization receiving the NOC.

4. Issuer Details: Provide the name, designation, and contact details of the person or organization issuing the NOC.

5. Subject: Clearly state the purpose or reason for issuing the NOC.

6. Statement of No Objection: Clearly and explicitly state that the issuer has no objection to the recipient’s intended action or venture.

7. Duration: If applicable, specify the duration for which the NOC is valid.

8. Signature: The NOC must be signed by an authorized representative of the issuing party, along with their official stamp or seal.

9. Additional Information: Any additional information or terms and conditions relevant to the NOC can be included at the end.

Content of NOC

In this section we will discuss the key contents of a basic No Objection Certificate to help you understand its significance and ensure you include all the necessary information.

1. Heading and Date: The NOC should begin with a clear heading that states “No Objection Certificate” or “NOC” at the top of the document. Below the heading, include the date of issuance to establish the validity of the certificate.

2. Issuer’s Information: Next, provide the complete contact details of the issuer. This includes the name, designation, organization or institution name, address, contact number, and email address. It is important to include all necessary information to authenticate the NOC.

3. Recipient’s Information: Include the recipient’s complete information below the issuer’s details. This should include the recipient’s full name, address, contact number, and any other relevant details to identify the person or party receiving the NOC.

4. Subject and Purpose: Clearly state the subject and purpose of the NOC in a concise manner. For example, if it is for a job transfer, mention the specific job title, department, and location. If it is for a visa application, mention the reason for the visa, such as travel, work, or study.

5. Statement of No Objection: The main body of the NOC should state that the issuer has no objection to the recipient’s intended action or activity. This could be in the form of a paragraph or a numbered list. It is important to use clear and unambiguous language to convey the message effectively.

6. Duration and Scope: Specify the duration and scope of the NOC, if applicable. For example, if the NOC is issued for a specific period, mention the start and end dates. If it is for a specific purpose, clearly state the scope of the NOC, such as for a particular project or event.

7. Authorization and Signature: The NOC must be signed by an authorized person from the issuing organization or institution. This could be a supervisor, manager, director, or any other relevant authority. The signature should be accompanied by the printed name, designation, and contact details of the signatory.

8. Company or Organization Stamp: To further authenticate the NOC, include the official stamp or seal of the issuing organization or institution.

9. Additional Supporting Documents: If there are any supporting documents required to accompany the NOC, mention them at the end of the certificate. For example, if the NOC is required for a visa application, mention the additional documents that need to be submitted along with the NOC.

10. Terms and Conditions: Include any relevant terms and conditions that may apply to the NOC. This could include clauses specifying that the NOC is non-transferable, applicable only for the mentioned purpose, or subject to certain conditions.

Remember, the contents of a basic No Objection Certificate may vary depending on the specific requirements and circumstances. It is essential to tailor the contents accordingly to ensure accuracy and compliance with the intended purpose of the certificate.


Q1. What is a No Objection Certificate (NOC)?

A: A No Objection Certificate (NOC), also known as a release letter, is an official document issued by an employer in the UAE to allow an employee to switch jobs or exit the country without any restrictions. It confirms that the employer has no objection to the employee’s decision to leave or change employment.

Q2. Why is an NOC required?

A: The UAE Labor Law requires employees to obtain an NOC from their current employer when they want to switch jobs or leave the country while still under an employment contract. It ensures that employees do not face any legal consequences or bans when seeking new job opportunities or exiting the country.

Q3. How do I obtain an NOC?

A: To obtain an NOC, you will need to submit a request to your current employer. They will review your request and decide whether to issue the NOC or not. It’s important to note that employers are not legally obligated to provide an NOC, and they may have certain conditions or requirements for issuing one.

Q4. Can my employer refuse to issue an NOC?

A: Yes, your employer has the right to refuse to issue an NOC. Some employers may have policies in place that restrict the issuance of NOCs, especially if you are still under contract or if they have invested significant resources in your training. In such cases, you may need to negotiate with your employer or explore other options.

Q5. What happens if I don’t have an NOC?

A: Without an NOC, you may face legal consequences or employment bans in the UAE. The labor laws in the UAE aim to protect the rights of both employers and employees, and violating these laws can have serious implications. It’s always advisable to follow the legal procedures and obtain an NOC before switching jobs or leaving the country.

Q6. Can I transfer my visa without an NOC?

A: In most cases, transferring your visa without an NOC is not possible. The UAE labor laws require an NOC from your current employer to transfer your employment visa to a new sponsor. However, there might be certain exceptions for specific professions or if you have completed your contract term.

Q7. How much time does it take to get an NOC?

A: The time required to obtain an NOC may vary depending on your employer’s internal processes. It’s best to initiate the NOC request well in advance to allow for any necessary negotiations or procedures. Some employers may issue the NOC immediately, while others may take longer to process the request.

Q8. Do I need an NOC if my employment contract has expired?

A: If your employment contract has expired and you are not renewing it, you may not require an NOC to leave the UAE or join a new employer. However, it is advisable to check with the relevant authorities or consult legal experts to ensure compliance with the labor laws.

Q9. Can I return to the UAE after leaving without an NOC?

A: If you leave the UAE without obtaining an NOC or without fulfilling the terms of your employment contract, you may face difficulties in returning to the country. The UAE authorities may impose employment bans or restrictions on your re-entry. It is important to follow the proper procedures to avoid any complications in the future.


No Objection Certificate (NOC) policy in the UAE plays a vital role in the country’s labor market. While it has its advantages and disadvantages, the overall impact of the NOC system can be seen as both positive and negative.

On the positive side, the NOC policy assists in regulating the job market by ensuring that employees do not switch jobs without the consent of their current employers. This helps in maintaining stability and reducing the turnover rate in companies. Employers invest time and resources in recruiting and training their employees, and the NOC policy protects their interests by preventing employees from leaving abruptly.