Leave Salary Calculation In UAE 2023

Gulf Insider

Writer & Blogger

Leave salary also known as annual leave in the UAE refers to a legally mandated period of time off work that an employee is entitled to each year, as regulated by the UAE Labor Law. Employees who have completed one year of service are usually entitled to a minimum of 30 days of paid annual leave, although this can vary depending on the employment contract and the nature of the work.

During this period, employees must receive their full salary, including basic wage and any applicable allowances. Annual leave is intended to provide workers with a chance to rest, spend time with family, or pursue personal interests, thereby contributing to overall well-being and work-life balance.

It’s essential for both employers and employees to understand the specific terms and conditions related to annual leave to ensure proper compliance with UAE laws.

Importance of leave salary calculation in UAE

Leave salary in the UAE is a crucial aspect of employment compensation, reflecting a commitment to employees’ rights and well-being. It ensures that workers are fairly compensated during annual leave maintaining financial stability and support.

This practice not only aligns with the UAE’s labor laws but also demonstrates a company’s ethical responsibility towards its employees. Providing leave salary promotes a work-life balance, aids in attracting and retaining skilled professionals, and contributes to a positive organizational culture.

Moreover, compliance with leave salary regulations enhances the reputation of a business, displaying its adherence to legal and moral standards. Overall, leave salary in the UAE signifies a broader commitment to employee welfare, legal compliance, and organizational excellence.

What Amount Does an Employee get in the Leave Salary?

  1. Basic Salary: This is the fundamental part of the leave salary and is typically based on the employee’s standard monthly or daily wage.
  2. Housing Allowance: Depending on the terms of the employment contract and applicable regulations, housing allowance may also be included in the leave salary.
  3. Other Allowances: This might encompass transportation, food, or other allowances that are part of the regular salary package, as stipulated in the employment contract.

The specific components and method of calculation can vary depending on the type of leave, the nature of the employment contract, and the company’s policies, so it is essential to refer to the relevant labor laws and agreements to determine the exact details of what is payable in leave salary in the UAE.

Who Decides the Duration of the Leave?

In the context of the UAE or most other jurisdictions, the timing of annual leave typically involves negotiation and agreement between the employer and the employee. Here’s how the process usually works:

  1. Employee Request: Often, the process starts with the employee submitting a request for annual leave, specifying preferred dates. This request might be made through a formal application, an online system, or a discussion with a supervisor or human resources representative.
  2. Employer Approval: The employer will review the request, considering factors like workload, staffing levels, and other scheduled leave within the team or department. They may approve the request as submitted or propose alternative dates.
  3. Mutual Agreement: If the employer’s needs conflict with the employee’s preferred dates, there is usually an opportunity for discussion and negotiation to reach a mutually satisfactory arrangement.
  4. Company Policy: Many companies have specific policies that guide the process of scheduling annual leave, including notice periods, blackout dates, and rules for resolving conflicting requests among employees. Adherence to these policies is typically expected.
  5. Legal Requirements: While UAE labor law sets out the entitlements to annual leave, it does not specifically dictate how the timing of leave must be determined. However, employers are expected to act in good faith and not unreasonably deny or delay leave.
  6. Exceptional Circumstances: In some cases, employers might mandate the timing of annual leave, such as during a company-wide shutdown. In such instances, employees may have limited influence over the start date of their leave.

In summary, the timing of annual leave is generally a collaborative decision between the employer and employee, subject to company policy, operational needs, and legal considerations. The process aims to balance the employee’s preferences and rights with the employer’s business requirements.

Calculation of Annual Leave Entitlement

In the UAE, the calculation of annual leave entitlement is primarily governed by the UAE Labor Law. Here’s a breakdown of how annual leave is typically calculated:

Duration of Service:

The number of days of annual leave an employee is entitled to depends on their duration of service.

  • Less than 1 Year: Employees who have been in service for a period of at least six months but less than a year are entitled to leave on a pro-rata basis. This means, for instance, if you’ve worked for 6 months, you’re typically entitled to 15 days of leave (half of 30 days) and will receive no gratuity pay.
  • 1 Year or More: Employees who have completed one year of service or more are entitled to a minimum of 30 days of annual leave and will receive gratuity pay based on 21 days salary.

Basic Salary Calculation:

Annual leave is paid based on the basic wage, excluding any allowances. The daily wage is typically calculated by dividing the monthly basic wage by 30 days.

Annual Leave Salary:

The leave salary should be the sum of the basic wage plus any housing allowance, as per the employment contract. However, some contracts might exclude certain allowances during annual leave.

Public Holidays:

If an employee’s annual leave coincides with a public holiday, the holiday is added to the leave days. This means that public holidays are not counted as part of the annual leave.

Unutilized Leave Days:

In cases where the annual leave days are not utilized fully by the employee, they are typically entitled to receive cash compensation for the unutilized leave days at the end of the service.


If an employee has completed more than 1 year but less than 5 years

If an employee has completed more than 1 year but less than 5 years in a company then the calculation will be done based on 21 days salary.

For an employee with a basic monthly salary of AED 5,000 and allowances of AED 1,000, having completed a full year of service:

  • Daily Wage for Leave: (AED 5,000 / 30) = AED 166.67 (basic wage)
  • Daily Allowance: AED 1,000 / 30 = AED 33.33
  • Total Daily Leave Salary: AED 166.67 + AED 33.33 = AED 200
  • Annual Leave Salary for 21 days: AED 200 x 21 = AED 4200

It’s essential to note that individual cases may vary based on company policies, employment contracts, and specific circumstances. Always refer to the UAE labor law and the terms of the employment contract when calculating annual leave and its associated benefits.

If an employee has completed more than 5 years

If an employee has completed more than 5 year in a company then the calculation will be done based on 30 days salary.

For an employee with a basic monthly salary of AED 5,000, and allowances of AED 1,000,having completed more than 5 years of service:

  • Daily Wage for Leave: (AED 5,000 / 30) = AED 166.67 (basic wage)
  • Daily Allowance: AED 1,000 / 30 = AED 33.33
  • Total Daily Leave Salary: AED 166.67 + AED 33.33 = AED 200
  • Annual Leave Salary for 30 days: AED 200 x 30 = AED 6000

The employee will receive AED 6000 each year following the first five years.

Calculation Done If the Employee Resigns

  1. Less Than One Year: If an employee resigns before completing one year of service, they are typically not entitled to any gratuity pay.
  2. Between 1-3 Years: If an employee resigns after completing one year but less than three years of service, they are entitled to one-third of 21 days’ basic salary for each year of service.
  3. Between 3-5 Years: If an employee resigns after completing three years but less than five years of service, they are entitled to two-thirds of 21 days’ basic salary for each year of service.
  4. More Than Five Years: If an employee resigns after completing five or more years of service, they are entitled to the full 21 days’ basic salary for each year of the first five years, and for each additional year, the employee is entitled to 30 days’ basic salary.

Example Calculation:

Suppose an employee with a basic monthly salary of AED 6,000 resigns after four years of service:

  • Daily Basic Wage: AED 6,000 / 30 = AED 200
  • 21 Days’ Basic Salary: AED 200 x 21 = AED 4,200
  • Gratuity for 4 Years (2/3 of 21 days’ salary for each year): AED 4,200 x 2/3 x 4 = AED 11,200

These are general guidelines, and individual cases may vary based on the terms of the employment contract and specific company policies. It’s always advisable to consult with an HR professional or legal expert in the UAE to ensure compliance with the law and the correct calculation of any entitlements.

When Will the Employee Get the Leave Salary?

Article 80 of the UAE Labor Law explicitly states that the employee should receive their leave salary before they go on leave. This should include the full wage for the period of leave, along with any other wages or benefits they are entitled to for that duration.

Utilizing a leave salary calculator in the UAE, which can often be found online, assists employers in accurately computing this amount. By ensuring that the leave salary is calculated and disbursed correctly and in a timely manner, employers not only adhere to legal obligations but also contribute to a positive working environment.

Compliance with these regulations signals a commitment to fair and ethical practices, which can be a significant factor in employee satisfaction and retention. It fosters trust between the employer and employees, demonstrating that the company values and respects its workforce.

By upholding this standard, an employer can maintain high levels of loyalty and engagement among staff, particularly those who are high-performing and vital to the organization’s success.


Q1: What is leave salary?

A: Leave salary, also known as annual leave payment or vacation pay, is the amount of money an employee is entitled to receive when taking a leave of absence from work. This payment is meant to compensate the employee for the vacation days they are taking.

Q2: How is leave salary calculated in the UAE?

A: Leave salary is calculated based on the employee’s basic salary. According to the UAE Labor Law, employees are entitled to receive leave salary equivalent to their basic salary for 21 days of annual leave. If an employee takes less than 30 days of leave, the leave salary is calculated on a pro-rata basis.

Q3: Are allowances included in the calculation of leave salary?

A: No, allowances such as housing, transportation, or any other allowances are not included in the calculation of leave salary. Only the basic salary is considered for the calculation.

Q4: Is leave salary paid in advance or after the employee takes leave?

A: Leave salary is typically paid in advance, before the employee goes on leave. This is to ensure that the employee has the necessary funds to cover their expenses during their time off.

Q5: What happens if an employee does not take their annual leave?

A: According to the UAE Labor Law, employees are entitled to take their annual leave within the same year it is due. However, if an employee does not take their annual leave, they are still entitled to receive their leave salary for the unused days. This is known as “leave encashment.”

Q6: Can an employee request to be paid for additional leave days?

A: Yes, employees have the option to request additional leave days beyond their entitled annual leave. However, these additional days will not be considered for leave salary calculation and will be treated as unpaid leave.

Q7: What happens to leave salary if an employee resigns?

A: If an employee resigns, they are entitled to receive their leave salary for the unused days. This includes any accumulated leave days that were not taken during their employment.

Q8: Can leave salary be forfeited?

A: No, leave salary cannot be forfeited. It is a legal entitlement for employees in the UAE, and employers are obligated to pay the leave salary to their employees as per the labor laws.

Q9: Are there any variations in the calculation of leave salary for different types of contracts?

A: The calculation of leave salary is the same for all types of employment contracts in the UAE. Whether an employee is on a limited contract or unlimited contract, the calculation is based on the employee’s basic salary and the number of leave days taken.


Adherence to the provisions of Article 80 of the UAE Labor Law regarding leave salary is not only a legal obligation but a crucial aspect of employee satisfaction and retention. By ensuring that leave salary is calculated accurately and paid in advance of the leave period, employers demonstrate a commitment to fairness and integrity.

The use of tools like a leave salary calculator can streamline this process, and adherence to these regulations reflects positively on the company’s reputation. Ultimately, timely and accurate payment of leave salary fosters trust and loyalty within the workforce, supporting the overall success and harmony of the organization.

It’s a practice that underlines the value of understanding and respecting labor laws, and of recognizing employees as essential partners in achieving business goals.