Golden Visa UAE 2023: Eligibility, Features, Cost

Gulf Insider

Writer & Blogger

The UAE Golden Visa is a long-term residency program introduced by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government to attract and retain foreign talent, investors, entrepreneurs, and professionals. It was launched in 2019 as part of the UAE’s efforts to diversify its economy and create a more favorable environment for international individuals to live, work, and invest in the country.

The Golden Visa UAE offers eligible individuals and their families the opportunity to obtain a residency permit that is valid for a longer duration compared to traditional UAE visas. This program aims to encourage foreign investment, stimulate economic growth, and enhance the overall competitiveness of the UAE in the global market.

Key features of the Golden Visa UAE:

  1. Eligibility Criteria: The program targets specific categories of individuals, including investors, entrepreneurs, outstanding professionals, researchers, and talented students.
  2. Duration: The Golden Visa provides residency permits for extended periods, ranging from 5 to 10 years, depending on the category and criteria met by the applicant.
  3. Family Inclusion: Successful applicants can sponsor their immediate family members, including spouse and children, as well as other dependents, to obtain the Golden Visa.
  4. No Need for a Local Sponsor: Unlike traditional UAE residency visas, the Golden Visa does not require a local sponsor (Emirati citizen or company) for sponsorship.
  5. Business Ownership: The program facilitates business ownership by offering residency to entrepreneurs who establish and invest in businesses in the UAE.
  6. Professional Excellence: Professionals in various fields, including science, arts, culture, sports, and other industries, are eligible to apply for the Golden Visa if they can provide proof of exceptional achievements and contributions to their respective fields.
  7. Investment Requirements: Investment in sectors like real estate, business, or public investments can serve as a pathway to obtaining the Golden Visa. Specific investment amounts or criteria vary depending on the category.
  8. Renewal: Successful applicants need to fulfill specific requirements to renew their Golden Visa before its expiration. These requirements might include continued investment, residency in the UAE, or other relevant conditions.
  9. Health Insurance: Applicants and their families are generally required to have health insurance coverage during their stay in the UAE.

Investment needed to obtain Golden Visa UAE

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the investment requirements for obtaining a Golden Visa in the UAE can vary based on different categories.

The UAE government introduced several pathways for obtaining the Golden Visa, and each category has its own set of criteria and investment thresholds. Keep in mind that these requirements might change over time, so it’s crucial to verify the latest information from official sources before making any decisions.

As of my last update, here are some of the investment categories and their general investment requirements:

  1. Investors: The specific investment amount required for investors can depend on factors like the type of investment and its location. Generally, real estate investment of around AED 5 million or more (approximately $1.36 million USD) could qualify for the Golden Visa. However, different emirates within the UAE might have varying investment thresholds.
  2. Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurs looking to establish a business in the UAE could be eligible for the Golden Visa. The investment amount and criteria can vary based on the nature of the business and its potential impact on the local economy.
  3. Specialists in Scientific, Technical, Medical, and Research Fields: Professionals with exceptional expertise in these fields could be eligible for the Golden Visa, although specific investment amounts might not be the primary requirement.
  4. Outstanding Students: Exceptional students could also be eligible for the Golden Visa. The specific criteria might include academic achievements and other qualifications.
  5. Artists and Creatives: Individuals who excel in arts, culture, and other creative fields might be eligible for the Golden Visa, with criteria that focus more on achievements rather than direct investment.

Benefits of Golden Visa UAE

The UAE Golden Visa offers a range of benefits to individuals and their families who are granted this long-term residency status. The program is designed to attract and retain foreign talent, investors, entrepreneurs, professionals, and other exceptional individuals.

The specific benefits can vary depending on the category under which the Golden Visa is obtained and the policies in place at the time. As of my last update in September 2021, here are some potential benefits of the UAE Golden Visa:

  1. Long-Term Residency: Golden Visa holders can enjoy extended periods of residency in the UAE, typically ranging from 5 to 10 years. This provides stability and a sense of belonging in the country.
  2. Family Inclusion: Successful applicants can sponsor their immediate family members, including spouse and children, for the Golden Visa. This allows families to live and work together in the UAE.
  3. No Need for Local Sponsor: Unlike traditional UAE residency visas, the Golden Visa does not require a local sponsor (Emirati citizen or company) for sponsorship. This provides greater independence and control over one’s residency status.
  4. Work and Business Opportunities: Golden Visa holders can legally work and conduct business in the UAE. Entrepreneurs can establish and operate businesses, contributing to the local economy.
  5. Investment Options: Depending on the category, Golden Visa applicants may have the option to invest in various sectors, such as real estate or business, to qualify for the visa.
  6. Access to Services: Golden Visa holders can access various public services, including healthcare, education, and more, on par with UAE citizens.
  7. Financial and Banking Benefits: Holding a Golden Visa might make it easier to open bank accounts and access financial services in the UAE.
  8. Property Ownership: The Golden Visa can be beneficial for individuals interested in owning property in the UAE, as it provides a more stable residency status for property owners.
  9. Networking and Connections: Living in the UAE can provide opportunities to connect with a diverse and international community, expanding personal and professional networks.
  10. Path to Permanent Residency: While the Golden Visa itself doesn’t grant permanent residency, it can potentially be renewed indefinitely, providing a pathway toward long-term residency in the UAE.
  11. Global Mobility: The UAE’s strategic location and excellent connectivity make it a hub for international travel, offering convenience for those who need to travel frequently.

The procedure of applying for a Golden Visa Dubai

The procedure for applying for a Golden Visa in the UAE can vary depending on the specific category you’re applying under. Here I can provide you with a general step-by-step overview of the process based on the information available up to that point. Please note that you should always refer to official UAE government sources or consult legal experts for the most up-to-date and accurate information before applying. Here’s a general guideline:

Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility Category:

Identify the category under which you’re eligible to apply for the Golden Visa. This could be based on your investment plans, professional achievements, or other criteria specified by the UAE government.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents:

Collect all the necessary documents as per the requirements of the specific category. The documents that could be required are as follows:

  • Passport copies for the applicant and family members
  • Passport-sized photos
  • Proof of identity and qualifications (professional achievements, academic degrees, etc.)
  • Proof of investment (if applicable)
  • Proof of financial capability
  • Health insurance documents

Step 3: Establish a Presence in the UAE (if applicable):

For certain categories, such as investors and entrepreneurs, you might need to establish a business or invest in real estate in the UAE. Ensure you meet the investment criteria before proceeding.

Step 4: Apply Online:

As of my last update, the application process for the Golden Visa was typically done online through the official UAE government portals. Create an account on the relevant portal and fill out the application form accurately.

Step 5: Application Review:

After submitting your application, it will be reviewed by the relevant UAE government authorities. They will assess your eligibility, documents, and investment plans (if applicable).

Step 6: Approval and Payment:

You will receive an approval notification if your application is approved. At this point, you’ll be required to pay the necessary fees associated with the Golden Visa. Fee structures can vary based on the category and the number of family members included.

Step 7: Medical Examination and Biometrics:

You might need to undergo a medical examination and provide biometric data (such as fingerprints) as part of the visa issuance process.

Step 8: Visa Issuance:

Once all the requirements are met, you will receive the Golden Visa, which grants you long-term residency in the UAE. The duration of the visa can vary based on the category.

Step 9: Family Sponsorship (if applicable):

After receiving your Golden Visa, you can proceed to sponsor your immediate family members (spouse and children) for their own Golden Visas if you’re eligible.

Different ways to obtain a Golden Visa Dubai

1. Requirements for a 10 year Golden Visa by Purchase of Real Estate

the requirements for obtaining a 10-year Golden Visa in the UAE through the purchase of real estate typically involved meeting certain investment criteria and providing specific documentation. However, please note that policies and requirements can change, so it’s important to verify the latest information from official sources before applying. Here’s a general overview of the requirements for obtaining a 10-year Golden Visa through real estate investment:

Real Estate Investment Amount:

Investors looking to obtain a 10-year Golden Visa through real estate investment were generally required to invest a significant amount in qualifying properties. The minimum investment threshold can vary depending on the specific emirate and the policies in place. As of my last update, it was generally recommended to invest around AED 5 million or more in real estate.

Qualifying Properties:

Investors were typically required to invest in specific types of properties to be eligible for the 10-year Golden Visa. These properties often included residential properties, commercial properties, or other real estate developments approved by the relevant authorities.

Proof of Investment:

Applicants needed to provide documentation proving their real estate investment, such as property ownership documents, sale contracts, and proof of payment.

Additional Requirements:

In addition to the investment-related requirements, applicants for a 10-year Golden Visa through real estate investment might need to fulfill other general visa requirements, such as:

  • A valid passport.
  • Good conduct and background check.
  • Proof of financial capability to support themselves and their family members during their stay in the UAE.
  • Health insurance coverage for the applicant and family members.
  • Medical examination and clearance.

Application Process:

Applicants needed to submit their applications through the official UAE government portals. The application process typically involved providing all required documentation, including proof of investment, passport copies, photographs, and other supporting documents.

Approval and Visa Issuance:

Once the application was reviewed and approved by the relevant authorities, the applicant would receive an approval notification. After paying the necessary fees and completing any required medical examinations or biometric processes, the 10-year Golden Visa would be issued.

2. Requirements for Foreign Investors

Investment Amount:

Investors are required to make a significant public investment in the UAE. The minimum investment threshold for a 10-year Golden Visa is AED 10 million. This investment can be in the form of an investment fund or a company.

Business Partners:

For business partners who each contribute AED 10 million, they are also eligible for a 10-year Golden Visa.

Duration of Investment:

The investment must be maintained for a minimum of 3 years. Investors must keep the invested amount for this period without taking a loan against it.

Ownership of Assets:

Investors should have full ownership of the assets they are investing in to qualify for the 10-year Golden Visa.

Distribution of Funds:

A significant portion (at least 60%) of the invested funds should not be in the real estate sector. This requirement encourages diversification of investments.

Family Inclusion:

The 10-year Golden Visa extends to the investor’s spouse, children, one chief executive director, and an advisor. This allows the family to benefit from the long-term residency as well.

5-Year Visa Option:

Investors with at least AED 5 million can also apply for a 5-year Golden Visa. This option offers slightly shorter residency but with a lower investment threshold.

These requirements suggest that the UAE government is encouraging substantial and diversified investments in the country, which can contribute to economic growth and development.

3. Requirements for Individuals With Specialized Talent

  1. Specialized Talent: Individuals with specialized talents in various fields can apply for a 10-year UAE Golden Visa. These talents can include scientific expertise, cultural and artistic achievements, educational contributions, and medical excellence.
  2. Accreditation Requirement: Applicants with specialized talents must first obtain accreditations from relevant departments and fields before applying for the Golden Visa. The accrediting bodies are specified for different categories.
  3. Scientists: Scientists should be accredited from the Emirates Scientists Council or hold the Mohammed Bin Rashid Medal for Scientific Excellence. This recognition highlights their contributions to the scientific community.
  4. Creative Individuals: Creative individuals must have accreditation in culture and art from the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development. This recognizes their achievements in the cultural and artistic fields.
  5. Educators: Applicants must be educators from any of the 500 international universities approved by the Ministry of Education. Their contributions to education and their roles in international universities are recognized.
  6. Doctors: Doctors must have a medical practitioner experience of 20 years in their field of expertise. This requirement highlights their significant and extensive contributions to the medical field.
  7. Family Inclusion: Spouses and children of individuals with specialized talents who are granted the 10-year Golden Visa will also be eligible for the visa. This allows the entire family to benefit from the long-term residency.

These specific requirements indicate that the UAE aims to attract and retain individuals who have made exceptional contributions to various sectors, including science, culture, education, and medicine.

4. Requirements for Students 

  • Outstanding Students: Outstanding students who have completed their education in private and public secondary schools can apply for a 10-year UAE Golden Visa. To be eligible, these students must have achieved a minimum grade of 95% in their secondary school education.
  • University Students (Inside and Outside the Country): University students, whether studying in the UAE or abroad, can also apply for the 10-year Golden Visa. Given below are the few eligibility criteria:
  • Have a distinction GPA (Grade Point Average) of at least 3.75 upon graduation.
  • The distinction GPA is typically a measure of academic excellence, indicating that the student has consistently achieved high grades throughout their university education.

6. Requirements for Chief Executives

  1. Qualifications: Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution. This educational requirement indicates a certain level of academic achievement and expertise in a particular field.
  2. Work Experience: Applicants must also have work experience of 5 years or more. This work experience demonstrates their professional background and expertise in their respective field.
  3. Minimum Salary Requirement: Applicants need to earn a minimum salary of 30,000 AED or more in the UAE under a legitimate job contract. This salary requirement ensures that the applicant has a stable and well-paying job, contributing to their financial stability and ability to support themselves and their family.

Cost of Obtaining a 10 Year Golden Visa

  1. Real Estate Investment: The primary cost would be the real estate investment itself. As of my last update, it was generally recommended to invest around AED 5 million or more in qualifying properties. The actual cost of the property can vary significantly based on location, type, and other factors.
  2. Legal and Administrative Fees: These could include fees for property registration, title deed issuance, and other legal procedures related to the real estate purchase($21800+).
  3. Application Fees: There are typically fees associated with submitting your Golden Visa application.
  4. Visa Issuance Fees: Once your application is approved, you’ll need to pay fees for the issuance of the 10-year Golden Visa($1043+ per person).
  5. Health Insurance Premiums: The cost of health insurance coverage for you and your family members should be factored in($440+ per person).
  6. Medical Examination Fees: Depending on the specific requirements, you might need to pay for medical examinations and related tests($220+ per person).
  7. Other Miscellaneous Costs: These could include fees for translation services, legal consultations, and any additional documents you might need($1000+ per person).

Process of Applying for a UAE Golden Visa Online Through ICA

The process for applying for a UAE Golden Visa online through the ICA (Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship) involved several steps. Here’s a general overview of the process as it was at that time:

Step 1: Visit the Official ICA Website: Go to the official website of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) in the UAE. The website should have information related to the Golden Visa program and the application process.

Step 2: Create an Account: If required, create an account on the ICA portal. You might need to provide personal details and create a username and password.

Step 3: Choose the Relevant Category: Select the category under which you’re applying for the Golden Visa. Depending on whether you’re an investor, professional, student, specialist, or another eligible category, choose the appropriate category.

Step 4: Gather Required Documents: Prepare all the necessary documents and information as per the requirements of the chosen category. This could include passport copies, passport-sized photos, proof of investment, educational qualifications, work experience certificates, and any other relevant documents.

Step 5: Fill Out the Application Form: Complete the online application form provided on the ICA portal.

Step 6: Upload Documents: Upload the scanned copies of the required documents to the online application form. Be sure that the documents meet all the requirements.

Step 7: Pay Application Fees: Pay the applicable fees for the Golden Visa application. The fees can vary based on the category and the number of family members included in the application.

Step 8: Review and Submit: Review all the information and documents you’ve provided to ensure accuracy. Once you’re satisfied, submit the application.

Step 9: Wait for Processing: After submitting the application, it will be reviewed by the relevant authorities. The processing time can vary, and you might receive updates on the application status through email or notifications on the portal.

Step 10: Approval and Visa Issuance: If your application is approved, you’ll receive an approval notification. You’ll then be required to pay any remaining fees and complete any additional steps, such as medical examinations or biometrics. Once all requirements are met, the 10-year Golden Visa will be issued.

Process of Applying for a UAE Golden Visa Online Through GDRFA

The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in the UAE is one of the entities responsible for processing residency applications, including the UAE Golden Visa. Here’s a general overview of how you might have been able to apply for a UAE Golden Visa online through GDRFA:

Step 1: Visit the GDRFA Website:

Go to the official website of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in the UAE. This is the authority responsible for processing residency applications.

Step 2: Create an Account:

If required, create an account on the GDRFA portal. You might need to provide personal details and create a username and password.

Step 3: Choose the Golden Visa Category:

Select the specific category under which you’re applying for the Golden Visa. Depending on your eligibility as an investor, professional, specialist, student, or another category, choose the relevant option.

Step 4: Review Eligibility and Requirements:

Check the eligibility criteria and requirements for the chosen Golden Visa category. Be sure you have all the important documents ready before moving ahead.

Step 5: Fill Out the Application Form:

Complete the online application form on the GDRFA portal.

Step 6: Upload Required Documents:

Upload scanned copies of the required documents. These documents might include passport copies, passport-sized photos, educational certificates, work experience certificates, proof of investment, and any other relevant documents.

Step 7: Pay Application Fees:

Pay the applicable Golden Visa application fees. The fees can vary based on the specific category you’re applying under and the number of family members included in the application.

Step 8: Review and Submit:

Carefully review all the information you’ve provided and the documents you’ve uploaded. Make sure everything is accurate and complete. Once satisfied, submit the application.

Step 9: Wait for Processing and Approval:

After submitting the application, it will be processed by the relevant authorities at GDRFA. Processing times can vary, and you might receive updates on the application status through email or notifications on the portal.

Step 10: Complete Additional Requirements:

If required, you might need to undergo medical examinations, provide biometric data (such as fingerprints), or fulfill any other additional requirements.

Step 11: Visa Issuance:

If your application is approved and all requirements are met, you will receive the 10-year UAE Golden Visa.

Process of Applying for a UAE Golden Visa Offline Through GDRFA

the process for applying for a UAE Golden Visa offline through the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) typically involved visiting the GDRFA office in person or through an authorized representative. Here’s a general outline of how you might have been able to apply for a UAE Golden Visa offline through GDRFA:

Step 1: Gather Required Documents:

Collect all the necessary documents based on your eligibility category for the Golden Visa. These documents may include passport copies, passport-sized photos, educational certificates, work experience certificates, proof of investment, and any other relevant documentation.

Step 2: Visit GDRFA Office:

Visit the local GDRFA office in the emirate where you plan to apply for the Golden Visa. Alternatively, you might be able to appoint an authorized representative to submit the application on your behalf.

Step 3: Complete Application Form:

Obtain the official application form for the Golden Visa from the GDRFA office. Fill the form with correct information.

Step 4: Submit Documents and Application:

Submit the completed application form along with all the required documents to the GDRFA office. If you’re visiting in person, present the documents to the relevant authorities. If you’re using an authorized representative, ensure that they follow the correct submission procedures.

Step 5: Pay Application Fees:

Pay the applicable Golden Visa application fees at the GDRFA office. The fees can vary based on your eligibility category and the number of family members included in the application.

Step 6: Document Verification:

The GDRFA officials will review your documents and application form to ensure they are complete and accurate. They may also verify the authenticity of the submitted documents.

Step 7: Wait for Processing and Approval:

After submitting the application, you will need to wait for the GDRFA to process your application. Processing times can vary, and you might receive updates on the application status during this period.

Step 8: Complete Additional Requirements:

If required, you might need to fulfill additional requirements such as undergoing medical examinations or providing biometric data.

Step 9: Visa Issuance:

If your application is approved and all requirements are met, you will receive the 10-year UAE Golden Visa.


Q1. What is the UAE Golden Visa?

A: The UAE Golden Visa is a long-term residency program introduced by the UAE government to attract and retain foreign investors, professionals, entrepreneurs, and individuals with exceptional talents.

Q2. Who could apply for the UAE Golden Visa?

A: Eligibility criteria vary based on categories such as investors, specialized talents, scientists, professionals, students, and more. Each category has specific requirements related to investments, qualifications, work experience, etc.

Q3. What are the perks of the UAE Golden Visa?

A: Benefits may include extended residency periods (5 or 10 years), sponsorship of family members, work and business opportunities, access to services, property ownership, and more.

Q4. What is the process of applying for a UAE Golden Visa?

A: Applicants typically apply online through the official government portals, such as the ICA or GDRFA websites. You’ll need to provide required documents, pay application fees, and fulfill specific criteria based on your chosen category.

Q5. What documents are required for the application?

A: Different category needs different documents. Commonly required documents include passport copies, passport-sized photos, proof of investment, educational qualifications, work experience certificates, and health insurance.

Q6. How long does the UAE Golden Visa application process take?

A: Processing times can vary, but it may take several weeks to a few months for your application to be reviewed and processed by the relevant authorities.

Q7. Can I apply for a UAE Golden Visa offline?

A: As of my last update, applications are primarily processed online through official government portals. However, you might be able to submit applications through authorized representatives or legal firms in specific cases.

Q8. Can the Golden Visa be renewed?

A: The Golden Visa is generally valid for 5 or 10 years, depending on the category. It can often be renewed upon meeting specific renewal criteria.

Q9. Am I allowed to work in the UAE with a Golden Visa?

A: Yes, depending on the category you qualify under, you may be permitted to work in the UAE and establish businesses.

Q10. Can I sponsor family members with a Golden Visa?

A: Yes, depending on the category, Golden Visa holders can often sponsor their immediate family members (spouse and children) for their own Golden Visas.

Q11. Is the Golden Visa a pathway to permanent residency or citizenship?

A: As of my last update, the Golden Visa does not automatically lead to permanent residency or citizenship, but it can be renewed and extended.

Q12. Are there any fees associated with the Golden Visa?

A: Yes, there are application fees and issuance fees associated with the Golden Visa. The fees can vary based on the category and the number of family members included.


In conclusion, the UAE Golden Visa program is a significant initiative introduced by the UAE government to attract and retain foreign investors, professionals, entrepreneurs, and individuals with exceptional talents.

This long-term residency program offers eligible individuals the opportunity to live, work, and invest in the UAE for extended periods, either 5 or 10 years, depending on the chosen category. The program encompasses various categories, each with its own set of requirements and benefit.

The Golden Visa program offers a range of benefits, including extended residency periods, family sponsorship, work and business opportunities, property ownership, and access to various services. It reflects the UAE’s commitment to diversifying its economy, promoting innovation, and fostering a culture of excellence.

Applying for the Golden Visa typically involves submitting an online application through official government portals, such as the ICA or GDRFA websites. Required documents, application fees, and processing times vary based on the chosen category.